
Robot Tool Calibration


Utility: EXPERIMENTAL! Calculates the robot tool center point (TCP) from given joint positions. At least four different joint positions need to be declared.

Input Parameters

Robot (R): Defines the robot based on a robot parameter. Provide the robot that you use for your tool calibration.

Robot Joint Positions (RJ): Defines the robot joint positions.

External Joint Positions (EJ): Defines the external axis joint positions. By default empty external joint positions will be used with all external joint positions set to 9E9 (undefined / not connected).

Output Parameters

TCP (P): Contains the calibrated tool center point (TCP) as a point.

Errors (E): Contains the maximum calibration errors in x-, y- and z-direction as a vector.


Controller Utility: Jog the robot to at least four different positions with the tool tip located at the same location. Feed these joint positions to this component and it will result the calibrated tool center point. The Get Controller component and Get Axis Values component can be used to obtain these joint positions inside Grasshopper.