
Zone Data


Declarative Action: Defines the zone data for a Move component. The Zone data is used to specify how (precise) a position is to be terminated.

Input Parameters

Name (N): The zone data variable name. Each zone data name needs to be unique or empty. The first letter shouldn’t be a number. Don’t use special characters. The variables names will be updated based on the list or datatree structure this component generates.

Fine Point (FP): A boolean that defines whether the movement is to terminate as a stop point (fine point) or as a fly-by point.

Path Zone TCP (pzTCP): The size (the radius) of the TCP zone in mm.

Path Zone Orientation (pzORI): The zone size (the radius) for the tool reorientation. The size is defined as the distance of the TCP from the programmed point in mm.

Path Zone External Axes (pzEA): The zone size (the radius) for external axes. The size is defined as the distance of the TCP from the programmed point in mm.

Zone Orientation (zORI): The zone size for the tool reorientation in degrees. If the robot is holding the work object, this means an angle of rotation for the work object.

Zone External Linear Axes (zELA): The zone size for linear external axes in mm.

Zone External Rotational Axes (zERA): The zone size for rotating external axes in degrees.

Output Parameters

Zone Data (ZD): Contains the Zone Data instructions as action for a movement instruction.


Code Generation: Plug the Zone Data output parameter of this component into the Zone Data input parameter of the Move component to set the precision of the movement instruction. This will also add a zonedata declaration to the RAPID Program module.